MySQL – Get the Top N of a Group

Friday, March 26, 2010 11:43
Posted in category Database

Getting Top N of a group would be very easy if there just wasn’t that ‘LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery’ restriction. But there’s always some way around. Thx to Jon Armstrong from A little Noise for the code hint.

MYSQL table 'measurements'

| Id | Freq | Level | DateM

## Gets the last 2 measurements for each frequency

SELECT t1.* , COUNT(t2.Id) AS cnt FROM measurements AS t1
LEFT JOIN measurements AS t2 ON (t1.DateM, t1.Id) <= (t2.DateM, t2.Id) AND t1.Freq = t2.Freq
GROUP BY t1.Id , t1.DateM, t1.Freq HAVING cnt <= 2 ORDER BY t1.Freq, cnt ;

## Format the result as | Freq | Level1 | Level2

SELECT t1.Freq, MIN(t1.Level) as 'Level1', MAX(t1.Level) as 'Level2'
FROM (SELECT t1.* , COUNT(t2.Id) AS cnt FROM measurements AS t1
LEFT JOIN measurements AS t2 ON (t1.DateM, t1.Id) <= (t2.DateM, t2.Id) AND t1.Freq = t2.Freq
GROUP BY t1.Id , t1.DateM, t1.Freq HAVING cnt <= 2 ORDER BY t1.Freq, cnt) as t1 GROUP BY t1.Freq;

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